Nourishment for Cancer Patients and Survivors
This basket contains several nutrient-packed foods and other items that help to nourish the gut and strengthen the immune system. The items in the basket contain a high amount of antioxidants, which fight free radicals circulating in the body. Free radicals are produced in the body as a result of factors like exposure to pollutants and other toxic chemicals, excess stress, and poor diets. These free radicals damage cells and tissues and cause inflammation, which may create a body more vulnerable to disease. The earth naturally provides an abundant amount of herbs and plants, which contain a number of antioxidants that help to fight free radicals in the body. In addition, these plants contain enzymes and powerful vitamins and minerals known to support healing and prevent disease. A clean, fresh diet, while avoiding sugar and processed food products, is essential to long-term health. The Healing Belly Basket is a top-quality gift to help you venture down the path of wellness.
Contact: for more information Request your Healing Belly Gift.
Mindy Conklin
Executive Director Nationally Recognized. Locally Focused. Facebook "Hitting Cancer Below the Belt" Linkedin "Hitting Cancer Below theBelt" Instagram @hittingcancerbelowthebelt Twitter @HitBelowtheBelt 804.334.0575